Saturday, September 6, 2008

Well...This one is a bust! Well...Sort of...

The words "NOT FAIR" just don't sum it up correctly.

Our IVF cycle was canceled today.

I have been on Gonal-F (Stimulation Meds) since Monday. I was worried for the longest time that we would go through IVF and I would produce too many eggs. Mark & Christine plus 8!!! Well...I couldn't have been more wrong. After a week of Gonal-F I have a grand total of...Drum Roll Please....TWO Follicles!!! TWO!!!! I received a call from the doctor's office that they had decided to stop this cycle and convert it to a IUI cycle. We go in tomorrow.

With our history(and our bodies) the chances of this working are slim. I'm trying to be as hopeful as possible but...I'm CRUSHED!!!! I was in my car on my way home from the dentist when the doctor's office called. I held it together while I talked to Kathy but as soon as I got off of the phone I fell apart. I screamed so loud I scared myself. Why does this have to be so hard????

Who knows...It could work!?!?! But I have already started gearing my self up for the next cycle. I think that preparing my self for this cycle to fail is the only way I will survive it. Mark is being wonderful...I just hope I'm doing enough for him. I can tell he's bummed. I know some how we'll get through this and have the family we dreamed of. But until then....THIS JUST SUCKS!!!


theworms said...

I'm so sorry your IVF got converted, this whole process is just so stressful and such a roller coaster. I know it's not going as planned but I am praying that it brings you a BIG FAT POSITIVE! GL and ((HUGS))

theworms said...

I'm back, I just tagged you on my blog :)