Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm not broken...There is no fault...

I have seen this a lot lately on the Nest boards.

"I'm the broken one!" or "The fault is with my body!"

IF is hard enough with out all of these labels. I think if I started blaming myself I would feel "Broken". Neither me or my husband have done anything to deserve this. We didn't wrong someone in a past life to ensure that we couldn't have children in this life.
Labels just suck...I just don't want one!!! Nor do I think we deserve one.

1 comment:

Echloe said...

It is hard not to feel broken when your body isn't doing what it is supposed to do. It is hard not to feel broken when everyone around you has sex 1 time and gets pregnant. It is hard not to feel broken when you are keeling over in pain every month when AF comes because your body is trying to expel the fibroid masses that are preventing you from getting pregnant.