Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who knew I was that interesting?!?!

I received a call from the IVF clinic last week and was very excited to find that my husband is not the only one who finds me interesting :)

They are doing a case study on IVF and stress and they have chosen me as one of the test subjects. At first I wasn't sure I was interested in adding one more thing to my plate but when they explained that there would be benefits to participating I continued to listen.

The test subjects are split up into two groups:

Group# 1 will receive certificates for massage

Group# 2 will be enrolled into a 10 week mind/body program which teaches you how to deal with stress in order to improve your chances of conceiving.

At first I was REALLY interested in Group# 1...FREE MASSAGE!!! SIGN ME UP!!! But the more I thought about it, learning de-stressing techniques would help me in my every day life and could possibly help me conceive. You know that old saying "Give a man a fish and he will eat today...Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime!" I'm sure I could stand to learn a few tricks.

Well after filling out mountains of paperwork and a number of surveys along with a phone interview with the program's therapist to decide if I was of sound mind (they actually asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with a personality disorder...If I have fits of rage to where I throw things...It's like they have never met any one who has been on CLOMID?!?!?!) I have been chosen for the MIND/BODY group. I'm very excited!!!

Hopefully this will be just one more thing to help my husband and I have the family we have always dreamed of.

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